FRA3826|EDN6001 : Théories de l'édition numérique

4 décembre : Séance 11

Littérature, générateurs et hypertextes

  • dehors, au-delà, plus loin
  • Structure par le Lien, noeud, navigation

Dépasser les contraintes de linéarité et du papier

Memex - Vannevar Bush

Dépasser la linéarité du savoir

« It was an experience of water and interconnection. I was with my grandparents in a rowboat in Chicago so I must have been five years old and I was trailing my hand in the water and I thought about how the water was moving around my fingers opening on one side and closing on the other and that changing system of relationships where everything was kind of the similar, kind of the same and yet different. That was so difficult to visualize and express and just generalizing that to the entire universe that the world is a system of ever-changing relationships and structures struck me as a vast truth. Which it is! And so interconnection and expressiong that interconnection has bee the center of all my thinking and all my computer work has been about expressing and representing and showing interconnection among writings especially. And writing is the process of reducing a tapestry of interconnection to a narrow sequence. »
(Lo and Behold, Nelson

afternoon, a story Joyce (1987)
  • 539 noeuds & 950 liens
  • Le choix de lecture change l'intrigue
  • Multilinéarité de Jonckheere (2001)
  • Codé en HTML à la main
  • Archivage et Dialoue
  • Changement/Enrichissement perpétuel
Tentative d'épuisement de Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien de Georges Perec de Jonckheere
  • Version hypermédiatique de Perec Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien (1974)
  • Labyrinthe hypertextuel
Au-delà de l'hyper
  • Limites de l'œuvre littéraire : vers une hyper-œuvre ?
  • SKIN de Jackson : un mot = un corps
  • Mon déplacement : hyperlien

Le corps est un Hypertexte